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Zedelgem: the Centre of Excellence for Harvesting products, right in the heart of the harvesting market!

Zedelgem exemplifies New Holland’s passion for quality in developing, testing and manufacturing its products. We build the next generation of agricultural machines that will redefine modern agriculture in terms of productivity, performance and comfort that our customers demand. 98% of what is produced in Zedelgem is exported, and therefore we are in the perfect location, right in the heart of the European harvesting market.

With all the harvesting knowledge gathered and continuously improved in over a 100 years, Zedelgem has come to dominate harvesting worldwide. The products that are built here set the benchmark for the industry. We build flagship and midrange combines, world-leading big balers and proven forage harvesters; products answering the needs of New Holland’s three most important customer segments: cash crop farmers, contractors and livestock farmers. Our machines have reaped many awards over the years. Zedelgem is New Holland’s Centre of Excellence for Harvesting, this means experts in design, development, manufacturing and training are all gathered in one location.


Zedelgem Centre of Excellence: welcome to our customers.

From the very beginning of production at Zedelgem, we have always been convinced of the importance of bringing customers to the plant. Witnessing product development, production process, the quality and World Class Manufacturing philosophy provide for an impressive experience. Over the last three years, over 19.000 people have visited Zedelgem. They come from all over the world: Europe, Australia, Africa, Asia, North America and South America. We are confident that after a guided plant visit, you will have seen our commitment to deliver only the best harvesting machines - machines that lie at the heart of our customers’ success!


Zedelgem in numbers.

• 3000 employees

• 360.357 m² surface

• 168.560 m² surface buildings

• 157.000 tons of steel used per year

• 172 tons of paint used per year

• 16.600 parts handled to make the Zedelgem products

Video of plant visit USA customers and dealer:

New Holland Zedelgem

Leon Claeysstraat 3A
8210 Zedelgem

More than a century of harvesting experience in Zedelgem.

1906: Driven to ease the work load of farmers, Leon Claeys designs and builds stationary threshing machines. The first production lines of the Zedelgem plant are set out. His employees are highly valued by him and his ethos is ’prosperity through diligence’

1952: The launch of the first self-propelled European combine shifts the company into a higher gear. Sales are growing, the surface area of the Zedelgem plant more than quadruples in 10 years (1952-1962) and the number of employees increases by 900%

1957: Claeys meets ‘New Holland’ for the first time and sells its balers in Europe

1964: Sperry Rand Corporation (which owns New Holland) buys a major interest in Claeys

1967: Claeys becomes Clayson

1986: Ford Motor Company acquires Sperry New Holland and merges it with its tractor operations to create Ford New Holland

1991: Fiat acquires Ford New Holland and merges it with FiatGeotech to create New Holland

1999: Fiat buys the Case Corporation and merges it with New Holland to form CNH. New Holland becomes a brand of CNH

2013: CNH becomes CNH Industrial

: CNH Industrial acquires Kongskilde Agriculture

: 125 years New Holland


+32 50 254326

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